Meeting Minutes for March 2023





Cllr. D. Batchelor (Chair)

Cllr. J. Forrester.

Cllr M. Winnington

Cllr. M Russell.

Gayle Whelan. (Parish Clerk)

22\91 Apologies

Cllr. B. Jeeves

22/92 Declarations of interest in the following agenda:

None declared.

22/93 Previous minutes:

The minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday, February, 16th 2022 were accepted as a true record.

22/94 Updates of actions:

Church mowings and weeding: The quote and contract for Streetscene continuing mowing of the village was presented. The contract includes hedge cutting and weeding.

Action: Parish clerk will contact Streetscene to check how often this occurs during the year.

Road sweeping: Cllr Batchelor has contacted SBC regarding this. Since then, the main road through the village has been swept. However, it is uncertain whether the side roads were included.

Online banking: There has been progress and we are awaiting the banking set up to be completed.

Update flooding Bourne property: Cllr Batchelor has checked online with SCC Highways website and the matter has been inspected by SCC but they put little importance on it. Mr Bourne has challenged their decision but to little avail.Water levels nearby have increased, which appears to be continual and not remedial. Cllr Batchelor understands the frustration but the council have said they cannot do any more.

22/95 Public question and response from the chair:

None in attendance.


Village Hall Committee: There has been a request towards funding the King's Coronation. The parish council has been successful in receiving £300 in funding from the SBC King's Coronation Fund towards the celebrations. The village hall committee has received a quote for £750 quote for 72 mugs. Cllr Winnington stated it was important to celebrate the coronation and holding a party is good, however, the mugs appear to be poor quality for the cost. Cllr Forrester offered to look into costings from Stoke-based pottery companies instead. It is estimated that there are around 50 children living in Ranton would receive the coronation gift. Cllr Russell proposed to contribute towards the coronation gift, this was seconded by Cllr Winnington. All councillors voted unanimously. Councillors will look into specific gifts and report back costs at the next meeting.

There are potential flooring issues which if are joint-related could cost £25,000. More work will be carried out to look at what the exact issue is.

Mowing: Grass has not been cut in the last month.

Highways: Nothing to report.

Footpaths: None walked.

Gulleys and weeding: Covered above.

All Saints School, Ranton: No updates.

22/96 Parish Clerk report..

Local elections will held on Thursday May 4. This may incur costs to the parish council, however, the exact amount will not be known until later this year, dependent on whether an election is needed for councillors for the parish council. The deadline for councillor nominations Tuesday, 4 April.

22/97 Planning Updates:

23/37137/HOU Orchard Cottage, Brook Lane - extension to property.

Councillors had no issues with the proposal.

22/98 Finance matters:

Accounts to date:

The latest statement date for 28 February, 2023 showed:

Reserve account balance £978.00

Current account balance £9,912.49

Cheques were signed for: SBC - Civic amenities £306.00

SPCA - Annual subs £134.44

Ranton village hall committee £120

G Whelan hours £142.52

SBC - mowing £2767.40

Mowing quote: mowing paid towards the end of the financial year so there is the potential to be billed in the same financial

Reserve account:

The reserve account will be finalised once online banking is available.

Ongoing Action: A total of £7,000 will be moved into the reserve account (mower fund) once online banking has been fully set up.

22/98 Chairman's questions/items for information/next agenda

The next parish council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 20 at 7.30pm. Cllr Winnington has a full council meeting, but will try and join the meeting once this has finished.

Signed…………………………………………... Date………………………

Gayle Whelan, Ranton Parish Council Clerk.

Ranton Parish Council
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