Parish Council Members


The Parish Council meets at the Village Hall on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:30pm. The meeting is open to all members of the public and an agenda is published on the village notice board 1 week before the meeting. Normally there is no meeting held in August or December.

Chair Melanie Russell


Vice-chair Jeff Forrester


Councillor Norman MacLeod


Councillor* Mark Winnington


Councillor Vacancy

Clerk Gayle Whelan

01630 620010

* also County Councillor

Mr Ray Sutherland 01785 244739, mobile 07702848064 E-mail :
Mr Stephen Leighton 07790 305099 E-mail :

Parish Council Elections May 2nd 2019

It is important that Ranton maintains its independent voice in local matters and retaining an active Parish Council is vital to ensure that we can push for services from the Borough and County councils and consider planning issues which impact on the parish. If you have an interest in the well-being of the parish and have some time to spare to serve on the council, please consider standing in the forthcoming parish council election. New councillors are always welcome.

Become a Ranton Parish Councillor and make Ranton Great............

To become nominated as a candidate at a parish council election in England, you need to submit a completed set of nomination papers by 4pm on the 19th working day before the poll. This deadline is set out in law and cannot be changed for any reason. Forms can be collected directly from the council and can be returned from Tuesday 26 March 2019. Your nomination will require the signatures of a proposer and a seconder, both of whom must also be resident in the parish. Completed forms must be hand delivered in person to the election's office (Chetwynd Room) on the first floor of the Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford, ST16 3AQ by 4pm on Wednesday 3 April). For more information:- elections-in-england-and-wales, or for any other questions, please Email: or Tel: 03331031928.

Civic Amenity Visits

The dates for forthcoming civic amenity visits are as follows: 

Saturday, 15 June (2019)
Saturday 10th August (2019)
Saturday 12th October (2019)

Saturday 22 February (2020)

The recycling vehicle will be on the Village Hall car park on the above date between 9 - 10am. Please check the Parish notice board and website to confirm the times of the visits.


The Gullies throughout the village are in the process of been cleaned and repaired and we have been promised that this will be done on a three-year basis. RPC is looking into maintaining them between the three-year period if required, at the council's expense, to hopefully reduce flooding on the roads during the winter. We shall monitor the situation to see if County Council highways department fulfil their requirements.

Pot Holes

As usual please report potholes using the link below

Fly Tipping

If you wish to report fly-tipping this can be done at the following website

Seighford Driving Centre

RPC is still receiving complaints of disturbance due noise from the Driveme site, which we will be following this up with the Borough Council. However, please report it using the link below and inform our Borough Councillors, Ray Sutherland and Stephen Leighton, as they do not always get to hear of this particular issue and our real concerns. If you are disturbed by the noise from Driveme, it is important that complaints are lodged on the council website, otherwise the environmental officers assume that there is no problem.

Ranton Website

A new website is now live, ( ) this site has been developed to ensure information is accessible to all. It is still being developed and more information will be routinely updated. The Parish Council is grateful for the hard work of Ian Knight who created the original website, however due to Council requirements, it has been necessary to develop a stand-alone site to ensure transparency of our activities.

Parish Meetings

Parish council meetings typically take place on the third Thursday of the month (excluding August and December), starting from 7.30pm at Ranton Village Hall. Please feel free to attend any meeting. Questions from the public are on the agenda at the beginning of the meeting, however if you are unable to attend, please contact our Clerk Gayle Whelan at