TBA Minutes November 2021
Cllr. M. Russell (Chair)
Cllr. J. Forrester
Cllr B Jeeves
Gayle Whelan (parish clerk)
21/49 Apologies.
Cllr Winnigton
Cllr Batchelor
21/50 Declarations of interest in the following agenda:
21/51 Previous minutes:
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true record of the meeting.
21/52 Questions from the public:
Mrs June Smith from All Saints Ranton School made a representation on behalf of the school
thanking the parish council for continuing to fund the mowing. The school has asked that the
mowing be continued and will write a formal letter to the council.
21/53 Finance matters:
Accounts to date:
The latest statement date for 01 November 2021 showed:
Reserve account balance £978.00
Current account balance £11,964.86
Cheques were signed for payment to:
SPCA VAT course attendance for £25 and £75
Laptop purchase £279.64
Printer purchase £59.99
Action ongoing: Councillors are still looking into the possibility of alternative banking after a number
of difficulties with Natwest Bank over the years. Online banking - waiting list for applying for an
online account. Costs related to use of the annual account. Need for statements and payment.
Action SPCA: Ask questions regarding best ways to progress. Cllr Russell will organise the online
account with Nat West Bank.
Reserve account:
Cllr Russell also proposed moving funds from the parish council's main account to the reserve
account. It was agreed the amount would be discussed once online banking was available.
VAT refund form:
This is currently being completed.
A Dell laptop has now been purchased and awaiting delivery.
Cllr Batchelor and Forrester will research best options.
The Christmas tree has been ordered in time for the Christmas fayre.
Mowing: The grass has not been cut since the last parish council meeting.
Highways: Signage has been cleaned for free, and will be cleaned as needed in the future.
Footpaths: Broken stye on the walk to Gnosall is now broken. Cllr Jeeves will report the breakage.
Gulleys and weeding: Both Cllrs Betchelor and Winnington were not present at the meeting and
updates will be provided on which gulleys need clearing and the current council schedule for this.
New pads and replacement battery have been purchased online. Community Heartbeat, who have
supplied the defibrillator, have been contacted regarding payment and an invoice will be issued. The
new battery will cost £179 plus VAT and expired replacement pads £42 plus VAT and £4 delivery
(total: £265.60).
Ongoing costs for the defibrillator will be added onto accounts on an annual basis and included in
the financial spreadsheet.
20/54 Planning updates
20/55 Chairman's questions/items for information/next agenda
The next parish council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 7.30pm.
Signed.................................................. Date...........................
Gayle Whelan, Ranton Parish Council Clerk. rantonparishcouncil@gmail.com