Minutes of Meeting 19th March 2020




Cllr. J. Forrester (Chair)

Cllr. M. Russell (Vice-Chair)

Cllr D Batchelor

Gayle Whelan

19/62 Apologies

BC Ray Sutherland

Cllr M. Winnington

19/63 Declarations of interest in the following agenda:


19/64 Previous minutes:

Minor changes were made to the minutes of 12 February 2020, regarding the budget which will be updated in the next parish council meeting.

19/65 Questions from the public

One member of the public was in attendance. It was requested up-to-date information on councillors was available in the parish magazine.

Brook Lane Road repair. The issue needs to be logged with the county council, however, Cllr. Winnington stated he would take the issue up.

A complaint was made regarding the Vicarage hedge.

19/66 Finance matters

An end of year statement will be compiled once the financial year end statement has been received.

(Cllr Winnington left at 20.05pm)

Changes need to be made to the forthcoming 20/21 budget, including the correct precept amount and invoices for trees, gulleys and miscellaneous.


Councillors agreed that the precept for 2020/2021 should be close to inflation, currently 1.76%. Cllr Batchelor proposed an increase of 1.5%. Cllr Russell seconded and it was unanimously agreed the precept amount to be increased by 1.5% for the forthcoming financial year.

Accounts to date:

The latest statement date for 28 February 2020 showed:

Reserve account balance £978.00

Current account balance £8,278.81


Mowing: An invoice request for mowing has been made to the council for the forthcoming year. It was agreed Streetscene are doing a good job and are competitively priced.

Action: The parish council is awaiting a quote amount and will discuss at the next meeting.

Highways: BT are cleaning out two chambers which will be pressure washed and the road through Ranton will be closed for the day.

Footpaths: Nothing further to report.

Gulleys and weeding: Some farmers have cleaned ditches and gulleys in the village.

19/68 Clerk's report

There was a discussion regarding meetings of the parish council. There is a requirement to hold a minimum of four meetings per year. In light of coronavirus, discussion and voting on meetings was postponed until the next parish council meeting.

19/69 Planning updates

A letter to the council regarding DriveMe was submitted and an automated response received.

19/70 Chairman's questions/items for information/next agenda

Parish council meetings will be suspended until further notice given the current pandemic situation.

Signed.................................................. Date...........................

Gayle Whelan, Ranton Parish Council Clerk


Ranton Parish Council
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