Minutes of Meeting March 2021
Cllr. J. Forrester (Chair)
Cllr. M. Russell (Vice-Chair)
Cllr D Batchelor
Cllr Mark Winnington
Gayle Whelan (Parish clerk)
20/25 Apologies.
All councillors were in attendance via Zoom.
20/26 Declarations of interest in the following agenda:
20/27 Previous minutes:
Accepted. Minor amendments to planning application. Resend out to everyone.
20/28 Questions from the public
None in attendance.
20/29 Finance matters:
Councilors discussed the potential of managing the parish council's account online and necessary permissions.
Action: Cllr Russell will call into/call and enquire at Nat West.
Accounts to date:
The latest statement date for 23 Nov 2020 showed:
Reserve account balance £978.00
Current account balance (as of 01.07.2020) £9,007.08
Annual Budget 2021/2022:
Councillors discussed the quotation for mowing throughout the village and school. It was felt that next year, alternative quotes will be sought to ensure value for money, however, it felt that the current contract was working well, with no complaints.
Action: Weeding is currently included in the mowing quote, however, it is not known when this is conducted and how. Parish clerk will enquire and report back.
An invoice for litter picking has been forwarded for payment £77 on litter picking equipment gloves safety glasses. Not the highest of quality so may need to order more in the future.
Burntwood have provided an invoice for the gulley cleaning, however, this is not broken down into VAT and the individual aspects to the job.
Action: Parish clerk will ask for a more detailed invoice.
Mowing: No complaints or issues.
Highways: Highways repairs have been carried out on Brook Lane and Butt Lane. However, it does not look like the work has been carried out entirely along Brook Lane. Potholes have opened up along Butt Lane, and by the White House. Large potholes by the former Hand and Cleaver pub have been repaired. Cllr Winnington reported that he is in the processes of setting up a meeting with the county council, but it does appear that work is being carried out in the village.
Action: Cllr Winnington will advise when a meeting is agreed to discuss matters.
Footpaths: Nothing further to report. Cllr Russell has walked bridleways towards the abbey. Very muddy for walking.
Gulleys and weeding: It was agreed that this matter be discussed later on in year discuss when the gulleys will be cleaned again, before or after winter.
Action: Contact Streetscene and ask about scheduling a sweep.
20/30 Clerk's report
Nothing to report.
20/31 Planning updates
Coton House Farm - 21/33700/FUL retrospective planning for a fence approximately 7ft high. No comments.
20/32 Chairman's questions/items for information/next agenda
The next parish council meeting is scheduled for Thursday 15 April 2021 at 7.30pm, via Zoom online meeting.
Polls - county elections and police and crime commissioner.
Signed.................................................. Date...........................
Gayle Whelan, Ranton Parish Council Clerk. rantonparishcouncil@gmail.com