Minutes of Meeting February 2022




Cllr. M. Russell (Chair)

Cllr. J. Forrester

Cllr Winnington

Cllr Batchelor

Cllr B Jeeves

Gayle Whelan (parish clerk)

22/08 Apologies.

Cllr Batchelor passed on his apologies.

22/09 Declarations of interest in the following agenda:

22/10 Previous minutes:

The minutes of the previous

22/11 Questions from the public:

Mr Edwards was in attendance to discuss flooding in the village from Church Close to Mr Bourne's

land. GPO inspection chamber had been gushing water and the area was becoming dangerous in

icy conditions. Road repairs to Brook Lane have resulted in a blocked a drain which may be causing

some of the flooding issues. The parish has previously paid to have the grids cleared out. A

drainage team from SBC was due to assess the issues, however, Covid has delayed this

happening. SBC have also only half finished a drain issue and have not been back to finish it.

Action: Keep applying pressure SBC to have the work carried out.

22/12 Finance matters:

Accounts to date:

The latest statement date for 01 February 2022 showed:

Reserve account balance £978.00

Current account balance £10,980.02

Cheques were signed for payment to:

 Grounds maintenance £2,739.24 (previous cheque without VAT voided)

 Room hire £160

Precept 2022/2023:

Councillors met to discuss the precept amount for the financial year ahead. After discussion, it was

agreed that a percentage below inflation be set, but one which also allow for increasing prices and

potential impact of gulley cleaning while protecting funds for the future.

Cllr Batchelor proposed an increase of 4% (£4520). Cllr Forrester seconded the proposal.

Councillors agreed unanimously.

Budget 2022/2023:

Civic amenity visits. It was felt that the service was very popular. It was suggested that the parish

council hosts two visits per year - one in spring (potentially late April) and end of summer or start of

autumn (late October) for two hours at a cost of £146.

Action: parish clerk to enquire about potential dates and leaflets to advise households of what can

be recycled and disposed of.

Action ongoing: Councillors are still looking into the possibility of alternative banking after a number

of difficulties with Natwest Bank over the years. Online banking: there is currently a waiting list for

applying for an online account and there may costs related to use of the annual account. It was

agreed the account would only be needed for statements and payment of invoices (money


Action: Cllr Russell will organise the online account with Nat West Bank.

Reserve account:

The reserve account will be discussed once online banking is available.

VAT refund form:

This is currently being completed. The parish clerk will arrange to meet with Cllr Batchelor once it

has been completed.


Cllr Russell will purchase the noticeboard on behalf of the parish council for £642.73 inc VAT.

Online banking:

Cllr Russell has spoken to parish clerks from neighbouring parish councils to understand how they

use online banking. Clerks at Gnosall and High Offley and Haughton all sign payments online with

authorisation. Individual councils' financial regulations document outlines rules regarding who has

authority to sign payments online and necessary procedures.

Action: Cllr Russell will continue to look into this further.


Village Hall Committee: Cllr Russell was unable to attend the last meeting.

Mowing: The parish clerk has written to the school advising them of the outcome of last month's

discussion of not continuing to pay for mowing of the school fields as of 2023.


Councillors are continuing to apply pressure regarding drains.

Footpaths: Cllr Jeeves has reported to the council a broken footpath bridge but there has been no


Gulleys and weeding: Gulley cleaning was carried out in 2020. Phil Jones has swept roads, but we

can put a request into Streetscene when it becomes a major issue.

Action: Cllr Winnington will look into updates and when they may need clearing again.

22/13 Planning updates

Received, no concerns.


Lane End Farm, Shippey Lane. ST18 9GY

Demolition of farm buildings and erection of new livestock building and slurry lagoon extension.

On the borders of Ranton, Seighford, Gnosall and Haughton.

22/14 Chairman's questions/items for information/next agenda

Removal of Christmas tree? Covid has delayed households.

The next parish council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 17, 2022 at 7.30pm.

Signed.................................................. Date...........................

Gayle Whelan, Ranton Parish Council Clerk. rantonparishcouncil@gmail.com

Ranton Parish Council
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