Minutes of Meeting July 2022




Cllr. J. Forrester.

Cllr. D. Batchelor. (Chair)

Cllr. B. Jeeves.

Gayle Whelan. (Parish Clerk)

County Cllr Ray Sutherland also in attendance.

22/46 Apologies

22/47 Declarations of interest in the following agenda:


22/48 Previous minutes:

The minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday, June 21st 2022 were accepted as a true record.

22/49 Updates of actions:

Mowing and grass cuttings - Mick Bailey has recently left the council and an alternative contact will be sought to follow up with issues. The village has recently been cut.

Online banking: Councillors are still looking into how this may work and will continue to be explored over forthcoming months.

22/50 Questions from the public:

Mr Edwards - Mr Edwards stated that he was aware of an initiative to put beehives in the churchyard. He was concerned about bees moving to nearby properties.There are beehives on Mr Ashford's land, however there is no public access there unlike the church, which is open to the public. Cllr Russell confirmed that bees were brought up at the most recent PCC meeting, with a proposal to place 10 hives in the churchyard next year, generating an income of approximately £7,000 a year. Safety issues had been discussed and the hives would be fenced in to stop people getting too close. Cllr Winnington stated a concern for public as children play in the churchyard. Strimming and mowing in the churchyard is also potentially an issue.

Action: Cllr Russell will raise villager concerns regarding the bees at the next PCC meeting.

Posting of adverts n the parish council noticeboard was discussed by a member of the public. It was asked that village events be advertised on the board. Cllr Batchelor stated that it could be discussed when the need arises.

22/51 Finance matters:

AGAR – Signed by chairman for public display and submission to auditors Mazars by June 30th 2022.

The most recent bank statements have now been received.

Accounts to date:

The latest statement date for July 01, 2022 showed:

Reserve account balance £978.00

Current account balance £11,632.00

Cheques were signed for payment to: Mazars for outstanding AGAR submission 2020 (£48) and to Cllr Russell for payment of the website renewal fee of £51.98.

Reserve account:

The reserve account will be discussed once online banking is available.

Online banking - in process, however Nat West Bank is currently making signatory checks. Cllr Russell will keep councillors updated.


Village Hall Committee: No update. The village cricket event has been cancelled.

Mowing: Definitely fresh grass being left in the churchyard, in the past this has been kindly removed by Phil Jones.

Action: PC to contact Streetscene via Cllr Winnginton and Cllr Sutherland.

Ranton All Saints School mowing of the school will be taken on by the school from 2023.

Highways: Hole in the road widening by the bridge on Hextall Lane.

Footpaths: No updates. Sighford walk footpath has been signposted more clearly.

Gulleys and weeding: Gulley cleaning was last carried out in 2020.

Action: Cllr Winnington is continuing to look into this.

All Saints School, Ranton: The school wishes to have a relationship with the school.It was felt that there were two potential ways to proceed - a councillor to become a school governor, or to attend school meetings when the school requires any involvement on an ad hoc basis. Cllr Winnington stated that governor meetings are quite time consuming. It was agreed that a councillor would be prepared to attend on an ad hoc basis.

22/52 Parish Clerk report..

The VAT submission has been refunded into the parish's bank account.

22/53 Planning updates

None received.

22/54 Chairman's questions/items for information/next agenda

Parish booklet contact details for the councillors need updating. It was also agreed that the Parish newsletter can be sent out on an annual basis, and will include the annual chairman statement and contact details.

Action: Cllr Russell will email and update details for the parish booklet. Parish clerk will check online county council details for the parish council are correct.

The next parish council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 22, 2022 at 7.30pm.

Signed………………………………………….. Date………………………

Gayle Whelan, Ranton Parish Council Clerk. rantonparishcouncil@gmail.com

Ranton Parish Council
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