Minutes of Meeting June 2022
Cllr. J. Forrester.
Cllr. D. Batchelor. (Chair)
Cllr. B. Jeeves.
Gayle Whelan. (Parish Clerk)
22/37 Apologies
Cllr. M. Russell.
Cllr. M. Winnington.
22/38 Declarations of interest in the following agenda:
22/39 Previous minutes:
The minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday, May 12th 2022 were accepted as a true record.
22/40 Updates of actions:
Flag: Other flags can be flown, however it has to be something which is representative of the villagers. Where a council has flown one, there have been complaints that it does not represent the village as a whole.
BT: re flooding and the potential that BT work is responsible. Cllr Russell has made contact but has had no response. BT were seen digging at the site the following day. Cllr will make a direct approach with customer services Open Reach in an attempt to arrange a meeting.
Mowing - not all areas of the village appear to have been mown. Direct contact with Mick Bailey at Streetscene will be made, asking when a full cut will be done and how often carried out.
Action: check on whether grass cuttings are being left in the churchyard.
Online banking: Councillors are still looking into how this may work and will continue to be explored over forthcoming months.
22/41 Questions from the public:
None in attendance
22/42 Finance matters:
AGAR - Signed by chairman for public display and submission to auditors Mazaars by June 30th 2022.
Accounts to date:
The latest statement date for 30 April 2022 showed:
Reserve account balance £978.00
Current account balance £10,088.36 (no updated statements have been posted out yet - expected monthly/quarterly basis)
Cheques were signed for payment to: SBC for civic amenity visits. £292.00
Reserve account:
The reserve account will be discussed once online banking is available.
Village Hall Committee: No update.
Mowing: Two cuttings so far this year.
Highways: Stocking Lane has been resurfaced.
Footpaths: No updates.
Gulleys and weeding: Gulley cleaning was last carried out in 2020.
Action: PC to determine who is responsible for weeding in the county along with gutter cleaning and roadsweeping. Ask Cllr Winnington for a schedule, if there is one.
22/43 Parish Clerk report.
AGAR has now been finalised.
There has been no update on the VAT submission yet.
22/44 Planning updates
The Cottage on corner of Bourne Avenue, resubmission of previous application.
22/45 Chairman's questions/items for information/next agenda
Cllr Forrester will measure the current noticeboard for the gifting of a parish council banner for it.
The next parish council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July, 28 2022 at 7.30pm.
Signed.................................................. Date...........................
Gayle Whelan, Ranton Parish Council Clerk. rantonparishcouncil@gmail.com