Meeting Minutes for October 2022




Cllr. D. Batchelor. (Chair)

Cllr. J. Forrester.

Cllr. M. Winnington.

Cllr. B. Jeeves.

Cllr. M Russell.

Gayle Whelan. (Parish Clerk)

22/55 Apologies

All in attendance.

22/56 Declarations of interest in the following agenda:

Cllr Jeeves declared that his wife is a governor at All Saints primary and nursery school.

22/57 Previous minutes:

The minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday, July 28th 2022 were accepted as a true


22/58 Updates of actions:

Bees: Cllr Russell stated that bee hives will no longer be placed in the churchyard as a new site has

been found.

Mowing: StreetScene: no response as yet regarding leaving of mowings in the churchyard.

Action: The parish clerk will make direct contact with Neil Clifton.

Gulleys and weeding: Weeding is carried out twice yearly, however, it does not appear to have been

carried out recently. There is the potential to have it done privately and paid for by the parish

council. Action: Parish clerk to contact Highways to ask how\when weeding is carried out. Cllr

Russell offered to obtain a quote for weeding. Views of local residents could be sought on on wild


Online banking: Councillors are still looking into how this may work and will continue to be explored

over forthcoming months.

22/59 Questions from the public:

Norman McCloud (Pinfold Croft) reported that in the past, the field 30m away from his property has

been used occasionally for trial bikes. On 8 October, there were a lot of bikes in the field and 8

vehicles. Noise from the site started after 11am and finished at 4pm. Concern that is a standard

event on private land, without planning permission. There is uncertainty as to who owns/rents the

field. Sheep have been in the field previously. Cllr Winnington reported that the planning process is

very slow currently with short staff planning enforcement officers. Mr McCloud will email details to

the parish clerk.

After Meeting Note: Up to 28 organised events can be held each year on private land and no

planning permission is required..

22/60 Finance matters:

Accounts to date:

The latest statement date for September 30, 2022 showed:

Reserve account balance £978.00

Current account balance £8,747.84 (cheques which had not been cashed at the statement


Cheque for £266 for the annual Zurich insurance policy was signed.

Action: the parish clerk will email councillors the policy schedule.

Reserve account:

The reserve account will be discussed once online banking is available.

Online banking - this is currently in process, however NatWest Bank is currently making signatory

checks. Cllr Russell will keep councillors updated.

Update of parish council hours -this will be presented at the next council meeting.

Spreadsheet: Councillors discussed the merit of aide-memoire below current spreadsheet.

Action: parish clerk will meet with Cllr Batchelor to update the spreadsheet.

Village Hall Room hire costs will increase to £12 per hour, having not increased since 2015. Inflation

since 2015 is 22%, however councillors felt that the new rate represents a 50% substantial


Cllr Winnington proposed to pay the increase to help sustain the village hall as a community venue.

Seconded by Cllr Jeeves. Councillors voted 4-1 vote to continue renting the village hall for meetings

at the new rate.


Village Hall Committee: Cllr Russell proposed that for village hall organised events (Christmas,

skittles and two quizzes), an advert be placed on the noticeboard (potential four times a year). The

parish clerk will place the posters on the noticeboard. Cllr Forrester seconded the motion, and

councillors voted unanimously.

The village Christmas fayre will beheld on 10 December starting at 4.30pm. Cllr Russell will order a

Christmas tree with a budget of £300.

Cllr Winnington mentioned graves being dug in the churchyard near to the electrical underground

wiring which is used for the Christmas tree lights.

Mowing: Grass has not been cut in the last month. A truck did turn up on Tuesday, but went away.

Action: Parish clerk will ask Streetscene when the next mow will be.

Highways: Potholes in Hextall Lane have not been repaired yet. Patch repairs have been cut in

Gnosall and Houghton. One sign in the village have been knocked sideways. This has been

reported to Highways.

Footpaths: No updates. Seighford walk footpath has been signposted more clearly.

Gulleys and weeding: Gulley cleaning was last carried out in 2020.

Request for roadsweeper in Ranton, allow a week to let the leaves drop, send via Mark Winnington.

All Saints School, Ranton: Chair wrote to Andy Summers regarding ad hoc contact and there has

been no response.

Action: Cllr Batchelor to resend email and copy in June Smith.

22/61 Parish Clerk report..

Subscription fee scaling for the SPCA for future budget. Forward email to all councillors for


22/62 Planning updates

Action: Parish clerk to forward on the planning email list to Cllr Batechlor.

22/63 Chairman's questions/items for information/next agenda

Cllr Forrester: the local plan building houses does not include anywhere in Ranton.

The next parish council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 7.30pm.

Signed.................................................. Date...........................

Gayle Whelan, Ranton Parish Council Clerk.

Ranton Parish Council
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