Minutes of meeting Thursday 20th June 2019
Cllr. J. Forrester (Chair)
Cllr. M. Russell (Vice-Chair)
Cllr M. Winnington
Gayle Whelan
19/20 Apologies
BC Ray Sutherland
19/21 Declarations of interest in the following agenda:
19/22 Previous minutes:
Minutes of June 20th 2019 were agreed as a true record.
18/23 Questions from the public
None were in attendance
19/24 Finance matters
There have been continuous problems with Nat West Bank and a new form has been signed
to action correct change of address and signatories for the account. A new cheque book will
be sent to Cllr Russell at her home address until the correct address is added onto the bank
19/25 Accounts to date: Accounts were presented for this financial year so far. There have
been no outgoings as there are no cheques left in the cheque book.
19/26 Reports:
Mowing: The village is being mown, and it appears the verge opposite Church Close was
Highways: The roads have been awful through the village with recent rainfall. Cllr
Winnington was told there were no flooding in the area, however, cones still are out in the
areas where flooding is worst. Along Clanford Lane, one patch of the road has been
Footpaths: Nothing further to report. No complaints from the public.
Gulleys and weeding: Nothing further to report. Weeds have grown quite badly during the
recent weather. Cllr Russell will contact council to request a quote for additional weeding in
the village
Action: Parish clerk to email Mark Keeling at SBCC (cc Winnington) to confirm arrangements
for gulley emptying and requesting the issue be address.
19/27 Clerk's report
Nothing to report.
19/28 Planning updates
None have been received.
19/29 Chairman's questions/items for information/next agenda
Cllr Russell presented website results for the past 30 days. Over the month, there have been
1404 views to www.ranton-parish-council.webnode.com/. Newsletters are to be printed and
distributed over the next month.
There was ongoing discussion regarding trees in the church yard and whether the parish
council can financially support the care and maintenance of them. Application of different
acts can be used both in support, and against.
Action: Parish clerk will write a letter and ask the Parish Council's Association for advice.
The next parish council meeting will be on held on Thursday, 11 July 2019.
Signed.................................................. Date...........................
Gayle Whelan, Ranton Parish Council Clerk